
  • Beautiful sentences: David Bezmogis

    Though he did not want to desecrate his grief, Alec nonetheless said, I just buried my father, I’d like to come up. David Bezmogis, The Free World.

  • Beautiful sentences: Terese Svoboda

    At least we have our own cell to settle in. At least the baby doesn’t die of the shot the way he could have, with all the cell fleas and a flesh wound and no mother. He is used to Sharon more anyway is what I suppose, what with the mother no doubt seeping milk…

  • Beautiful sentences

    She looks down at the playbill. She looks down. Terese Svoboda, Bohemian Girl.

  • Beautiful sentences

    My iniquity/punishment is greater than I can bear. In the Hebrew, her father said, that one word had two meanings and we chose one of them, which may make it harder for us to understand why the Lord would have pardoned Cain and protected him, and let him go on with his life, marry, have…

  • Beautiful sentences

    Once, five of the six younger Boughtons—Jack was elsewhere—played a joyless and determined game of fox and geese in the tender crop of alfalfa, the beautiful alfalfa, so green it was almost blue, so succulent that a mist stood on its tiny leaves even in the middle of the day. Marilynne Robinson, Home.

  • Beautiful sentences

    You have probably heard that we all became janitors, sitting in basements next to boilers reading cheap paperback books of Italian poetry, and never sweep a thing. Yet the world runs fine. Mary Ruefle, “Middle School”

  • Beautiful sentences

                   … I haven’t heard from him and wonder if in every contact there are apologies inherent for feelings hurt and falling out of touch— Michael Morse, “Void and Compensation (Facebook)”

  • Beautiful sentences

         Maybe our own parents will eat us eventually—they may have eaten us already, and the rest of our life is just the process of their digestion. Richard Howard, “A Proposed Curriculum Change.”

  • Beautiful sentences

    In the end, every corpse has the same face: your own. David Bezmogis, The Free World