2014 Tournament of Books: The Guest vs The Librarianist/The Bee Sting vs The Shamshine Blind

The right side of the brackets is where I completely deviated from reality so there’s an alternate universe matchup and an actual universe matchup.

In the alternative universe

It would be between The Bee Sting and The Shamshine Blind. And while I liked the alternate universe of The Shamshine Blind, I found the family travails of The Bee Sting to be more compelling so it would have been my pick to advance.

In the mid universe

Meanwhile, here, where things are so unalternative they’re adult contemporary, the matchup falls between The Guest and The Librarianist. Given this particualr pairing, I think I would advance the chaos of The Guest over The Librarianist although both books were ones that I knocked out in their first rounds in my own judging.

My judgment on the judgment

Dan Sheehan picked The Librarianist to advance, a decision he “fretted over,” and while I don’t disagree with his evaluations of the books, I was surprised at his choice, but then for both of us, it kind of felt like a coin-flip.


I wasn’t sure what to do with my zombie round picks when I filled out my brackets. Obviously, my choices should be the ones to advance so the zombies didn’t really matter. But imagine my delight at seeing that even though my own picks didn”t pass the semi-finals on either side of the brackets, they ended up being the two zombies! So Wednesday and Thursday I can settle into doing a single matchup on both days and with luck, my picks will advance to the final round.






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