Tag: raymond carver

  • Beautiful Sentences: Raymond Carver

    In addition to being in love, we like each other and enjoy one another’s company. She’s easy to be with. Raymond Carver, “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love.”

  • “Thy Neighbour’s Goods”: The story behind the story

    Some background on my story, “Thy Neighbour’s Goods” which appears in the Spring 2014 issue of The Southampton Review. The story began with a conversation with my wife about language. We were discussing the lack of distinction between singular and plural second person in English and I told her that actually the English “you” is…

  • A year of reading

    So in 2013, I ended up reading a total of 114 books. Some interesting statistics along the way:  27.2% were written by women. Asians and Latinos each made up 2.6%. Blacks were 1.8%. I find these numbers to be rather disgraceful. 40.4% were for my MFA.  Two were in Spanish. Eleven were translated (from French,…