Tag: michael winter

  • Beautiful Sentences

    The question is not, he said, were you loved. Or did you love. Or did you love yourself. Or did you allow love to move you, though that’s a big one. Move you. The question, Rockwell, is did you get to be who you are And if not, then why. That, my friend, is the…

  • Beautiful sentences

    A man retains the structure of integrity, even after he has sold off the shelves of goods that integrity insisted should never be sold. Michael Winter, The Big Why.

  • Beautiful sentences

    I heard my self using a snotty tone to Judge Prowse. I was put off by it. But then wondered where snottiness comes from. It comes from an attempt to be funny and companionable. And this striving stems from a sense that one is not secure of confident—it’s a lack of confidence. That one feels…

  • Beautiful Sentences

    I like the crust, as long as there’s something still stuck to the bread. I like the remnants of things. Michael Winter, The Big Why.